What is acne? What to do when you have acne?

What is acne 1

Acne is a skin condition that almost everyone has ever encountered. This is a condition when the follicle is inflamed and caused by P. acnes bacteria overgrowth. It makes the skin increase sebum secretion. 

If not properly cared for and treated, there will be deep scars and pitted scars that affect the aesthetics. Join RON INTERNATIONAL to learn about the types of acne, as well as how to take care of acne skin through the article below!

What is acne?

Acne is a type of dermatological disease where follicles – the sebaceous glands become inflamed and localized. This condition often occurs mainly in oily areas such as the shoulders, back, chest and facial skin. The mechanism of formation and operation of acne types is due to skin seborrhea, keratinization of the hair follicles and the overgrowth of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes).

This type of acne usually appears in puberty, pregnant women or people who stay up much at night,… According to experts’ research, the incidence of acne appearing in adolescents and young people is about 80%. However, after the age of 25, the risk of acne will get better. Because at this time the skin will reduce the secretion of excess oil and more stable hormones.

Although not affecting health, they can cause psychological obstacles, causing us to lose confidence in life when communicating. Many people may also have deep scars, pitted scars, concave scars when not properly cared for and treated.

Causes of acne formation

Causes of acne
Causes of acne

Acne is formed by three main causes:

  • Seborrhea: People with a large hair capacity, an increase in sebum secretion, can clog hair follicles, creating conditions for anaerobic bacteria to grow and cause acne.
  • Hair follicle keratinization: A condition in which the skin becomes keratinized, due to excessive dead cells accumulating inside the skin, leaving pores filled with dirt, sebum and stimulating inflammatory response.
  • P. acnes bacteria overgrowth: This type of bacteria exists on the skin quite a bit, but when not cleaned, the oily skin will make them able to act strongly and cause inflammation in the hair follicles.

In addition to the main cause above, acne skin can also be due to the lack of constant scientific activities, the use of cosmetics containing irritating ingredients, or the habits of using bad substances… All of them have become the cause of acne on the skin.

Classification of acne types

In order to know how to take care of your skin, you need to know what type of acne to have the appropriate treatment such as:

  • Pustules: can cause a serious degree of damage on the skin, such as large red rashes and white pus that appear at the top of the pimple. Pustules will leave deep scars and pitted scars if not treated properly.
  • Whiteheads: small in size, hidden deep under the skin, appear only in pale papules. Untreated acne can lead to complications.
  • Blackheads: This type of acne does not cause inflammation, with small acne, blackheads are located in the hair follicles. They are located deeply within the structure, revealing only a small black head.
  • Lumpy acne: a condition in which the skin appears small, firm and pink acne spots. Acne can float on the surface of the skin, causing a grainy and less smooth feeling.
  • Nodules and Cysts: This type of acne is large in size with inflammatory papules, follicles and pus that accumulate under the skin, often appearing on the chin and nose area.
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Common types of acne

Besides the 5 most common types of acne, acne has several less common forms: cystic acne, acne, etc.

What to do when you have acne?

When you have acne, there are certain things you need to remember to take care of your skin properly, and to avoid getting worse:

  • Pay attention to cleanse your face with cleanser, combined with exfoliating 2-3 times / week (depending on skin type in different weather conditions)
  • Limit makeup if not needed, to prevent acne from growing faster
  • Do not arbitrarily squeeze acne manually
  • Build a healthy diet. Avoid spicy, hot, and fast foods. Pay attention to adding vitamins, fiber …
  • Drink plenty of water, provide enough 2 liters of water per day
  • Use a combination of acne medications and skin care products to limit acne. You can refer to Dr.Face – Ampoule AC Clear acne stem cell products, exclusively distributed by RON INTERNATIONAL to help smooth skin.
What is acne
Absolutely do not squeeze acne manually

Above is the information that RON INTERNATIONAL shares about acne, the causes, treatments and prevention. Hopefully, the above share will help you have more knowledge, help prevent and care for acne when properly.

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