7 easy remedies to cure bad breath at home

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Bad breath is a condition characterized by unpleasant odors emanating from the oral cavity. People with bad breath usually feel unconfident in communication, which would significantly affect their living and work. So, what causes bad breath? How to treat bad breath effectively?

Find out the answers with RON INTERNATIONAL through the below article.

The causes of bad breath

Finding out the right causes of bad breath would help you come up with the best cures for bad breath.

Cause 1: Bad breath caused by bacteria

Bad breath is mainly caused by the release of volatile sulfur compounds in the oral cavity. This volatilization is caused by the Gram-negative proteolysis of anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria are usually present in the stagnation positions in the mouth such as periodontal sacs, the surface of the tongue, the space between the teeth or the position of cavities.

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Cause 2: Temporary factors

  • Bad breath may appear due to the use of foods which cause dry mouth, such as alcohol, tobacco or foods that provide a large amount of protein, for example milk. The breakdown of these substances in the mouth causes the release of sulfur – containing amino acids.
  • Onions and garlic are also a common cause of bad breath. These 2 foods contain very high amounts of sulfur compounds. After being digested, they will pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream. They are then released into the lungs and evaporated out.
  • Regular use of tobacco products also increases the volatile compounds in the mouth and lungs, which would make bad breath worse.
  • You also find your breath stinky every morning upon waking up. The reason is the production of saliva is decreased. This leads to a temporary dry mouth, causing bad breath.

Cause 3: Causes from the mouth

  • Diseases related to the periodontal or gums such as periodontitis, gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, inflamed tissue around the crown of the teeth,… would also cause bad breath.
  • Malignant sores, or side effects from certain medications would also make the mouth smell.

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  • Age problems causing reduced salivation, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, Sjogren’s syndrome also cause bad breath.
  • Improper oral hygiene, inadequate hygiene will leave the tongue coating. In this circumstance, the treatment for bad breath will be very simple. You just need to practice good oral hygiene as advised by a dentist.
  • Such bone diseases as myelitis, bone necrosis, or wisdom teeth inflammation as well as other malignant diseases are also uncommon causes for bad breath.

Other causes of bad breath

  • The use of certain drugs such as chloral hydrate, phenothiazine, cytotoxic drugs, dimethyl sulphoxide, amphetamine, disulfiram, nitrate, and nitrite.
  • Nasopharyngeal infection, respiratory disorde.
  • Gastritis ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease also cause bad breath
  • Diabetes, diseases related to the liver and kidneys,… which lead to the breakdown of fats in the body
  • Genetic bad breath (fish odor syndrome).

How to treat bad breath at home

Let’s take a look at 7 ways to treat bad breath at home that RON INTERNATIONAL shares. These are all simple methods using ingredients that are easy to find in nature and money-saving.

Treatment of bad breath with green tea

As proven by modern science, green tea contains potassium and fluoride, the two trace elements which have been known for their ability to fight tooth decay, treat gingivitis and reduce bad breath in a remarkable way.

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How to do: Quite simple, rinse your mouth with green tea in 15 minutes after brushing your teeth in the morning. Practicing the habit of drinking 2-3 glasses of green tea a day will also help you effectively get rid of bad breath.

Use lemon

Lemon is known as the killer of many types of bacteria and viruses, including bacteria existing in the oral cavity. Lemon is a good source of organic acids and vitamin C, which have very strong antibacterial and deodorizing effects. Lemon is easy to find, so this is considered one of the simple remedies to eliminate bad breath which you should not ignore.

How to do: Clean the fresh lemon peel, chew it thoroughly in your mouth, then swallow the whole peel. Very quickly, you will immediately feel the change in the scent emanating from your breath.

Use mint leaves

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The scent of mint is always cool, pleasant and refreshing. Using mint leaves or peppermint oils is the treatment of bad breath that many people have successfully applied.

How to do: The easiest way is to chew mint leaves directly, or use them as herbs in daily meals.

Rice water

Rice water contains vitamin PP with the effect of removing plaque around the teeth and improving tooth decay.

How to do: Instead of clean water, you can use rice water to brush your teeth every day. Gargling with rice water every morning and night also helps you improve bad breath and tooth decay effectively.

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Cure bad breath with ginger

Ginger is a familiar spice in the kitchen of every family. Using ginger to treat bad breath is the best money-saving remedy for busy people.

How to do: Thinly slice fresh ginger to make tea or chew ginger with a slice of lemon. Using this method 2-3 times each day would bring you fresh breath and strong teeth.

Use of honey

Honey has long been known as a very effective remedy in beauty care and bad breath treatment. Thanks to its antibiotic composition, honey is able to fight off and inhibit the growth of some harmful bacteria in the mouth cavity.

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How to do: Mix 20ml of honey with 100ml of warm water, add a few drops of lemon juice and use the mixture to rinse your mouth thoroughly. Do this every day within 2 weeks, you will see a huge improvement with your bad breath.

Use of natural-origin mouthwash

All the above remedies are very good, however the effect would take some time. Therefore, RON INTERNATIONAL has introduced the SEE Premium Mouthwash. The product contains Silver Nano crystals that help eliminate bacteria in the oral cavity.

Focusing on the naturalness and safety of each health care product, RON INTERNATIONAL offers a product with mainly natural-origin ingredients. The main ingredients in See Premium Mouthwash are Nano silver, Peppermint oil, Sorbitol Sugar, Propylene Glycol, Glycerine and water.

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Not only a good product to cure bad breath, See Premium Mouthwash also helps treat the canker sore, prevent plaque around the teeth, keep the gums and teeth strong.

Hopefully, with all the above tips to cure bad breath at home shared by RON INTERNATIONAL, you will soon be able to improve the situation.

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