What is blackheads? The causes of formation and treatment

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Improper treatment of blackheads can cause more severe skin damage. It easily transforms into inflammatory acne such as warts or pustules. Let Ron International give you more information about the causes and how to effectively treat blackheads at home with the information below.

What is blackheads?

Many women are often not too concerned about blackheads. This can lead to unexpected consequences.

Blackheads are a type of non-inflammatory acne called an “open nucleus”. As a result, acne causes clogged pores, and dead skin cells are oxidized to form black or dark brown. This type of acne appears in all areas of the body, especially those with large pores such as nose, forehead, chin, cheeks, back and chest, ..

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What is blackhead acne?

This type of acne is caused by an overactive sebaceous gland, but the mucus cannot escape from the pore surface. As a result, pores become clogged with dirt, dead cells, bacteria, or makeup that cause acne.

Unlike regular acne, blackheads are very small, only 1 mm with black acne on the skin surface. Acne usually does not cause skin lesions such as soreness or redness. However, if you squeeze blackheads, your skin will become inflamed and become acne or pustules.

Causes of blackheads

In fact, there are many causes of blackheads. In particular, factors related to the environment or hormonal imbalance are the main cause of blackheads. Specifically:

The overactive sebaceous gland 

The overactive sebaceous gland produces too much sebum in the nose and forehead areas that clogging pores. When the pores are not cleaned properly, sebum, dead cells and bacteria become dry, stuck on the skin. When exposed to the air for many days, they will oxidize and form tiny blackheads.

Using the drug without consulting

The use of cosmetics containing ingredients such as corticosteroids, lithium or androgen-containing birth control pills can cause the skin to produce oil and form blackheads.

Inappropriate diet

People who regularly eat greasy foods, spicy, hot spices or stimulant drinks such as alcohol, beer, coffee, soft drinks, etc. often have blackheads. It is the main cause that hinders acne treatment because these foods stimulate the overactive sebaceous gland.

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Unscientific lifestyle 

Living, eating moderately, stressing the mind … will make hormonal imbalance. Plus, not taking good care of your skin can cause blackheads.


When you are in the period of puberty, the hormones in the body will change to make the overactive sebaceous gland that causes blackheads.


Although blackheads appear in both men and women, with many ages. But this acne is more common in women. Because puberty as well as issues such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy and use of birth control pills … will make the overactive sebaceous glands and cause acne.


Living in hot area, humid climates, or living in dusty, polluted environments … all cause the skin to sweat, the mucus also secrete more . They are easier to produce blackheads.

Not drinking enough water

This is a major cause of blackheads that not everyone knows. Lack of water causes the skin to dry out, forcing the sebaceous glands to work harder to supply moisture. This will cause excess oil, leading to clogged pores and the formation of blackheads.

How to treat blackheads at home

In fact, treating blackheads is not difficult. Only the basic daily skin care steps will help you remove obnoxious blackheads from all areas of the body. Treating blackheads can be done at home with the simple methods below:


Perhaps many people do not know, toothpaste contains silica that has anti-inflammatory properties to heal the damage caused by acne. The ingredients in toothpaste also work to reduce sebum, dry blackheads.

Just clean your face, then apply a little bit of toothpaste on the acne-prone skin for 2-3 minutes. Gently rub and leave on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water. To achieve the best skin care effect, women should do this method 1-2 times / week.

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Treat blackheads with toothpaste at home

Pure honey

The skin care with honey is too familiar to you. Honey contains many vitamins to help beautify the skin such as vitamins B1, B12, B3, B5, B6, K, E, C. Not only helps maintain and nourish the smooth white skin surface, honey also works to help skin antibacterial, antioxidant and treat blackheads.

Wash your face thoroughly and use a clean towel to dry. Next, use pure honey to apply directly to the area of ​​acne. Massage gently so that the nutrients can penetrate deep into the skin within 10 minutes. Wash your face with cold water.


Cleansing skin with exfoliating products will help to keep pores clean and free of dirt. This is also a very effective way to treat blackheads. Using Begen Premium Filler System 1-2 times / week cleans the skin best. This product not only helps cleanse the skin, but also has the effect of tightening pores extremely effectively.

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Begen Premium Filler System from Ron International

In conclusion, Ron International share more information about blackheads as well as the causes of formation and treatment. Women need to remember that blackheads easily become acne if not treated and cared for properly. Therefore, you need a scientific skin care routine that protects the skin from blackheads.

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