Dry skin care remedies to become always soft and full of vitality

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Every woman cares about the facial skin care tips and tricks. Each skin type has its own unique characteristics, therefore, it requires different methods in the care process. If your skin is dry and unhealthy, you can not ignore the article below. RON INTERNATIONAL shares simple and effective home remedies to take care of dry skin. 

What is dry skin?

Dry skin is a skin type that produces less oily than other skin types. This is considered the advantage of this skin type because the less oil secretion makes pores small, less acne than other skin types. However, this results in a dry, flaky, and rough face skin. The lack of water in the skin will cause premature aging, then lead to wrinkle appearance.

Dry facial skin will feel dry, more bruises appear. In particular, dry skin in winter is prone to cracking, redness, and discomfort.

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Daily skin care routine

Dry skin care steps are similar to the other skin care routine. The skin care steps can change and adjust flexibly based on skin condition and related issues. Here are the skincare steps for dry skin that you can refer to:

Step 1: Clean the skin

Cleaning your skin is always the first step in an effective skin care routine, no matter what skin type you have. Use makeup removers and cleansers specifically designed for dry skin. At this step, all dirt, excess oil and makeup used during the day will be removed.

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If your skin is dry, you should choose makeup remover products in the milk-based or cream-based form. The product’s purpose is to cleanse and moisturize the skin. When you choose a cleanser, it is important to choose the pH <7 products and containing moisturizing ingredients. Do not choose cleansers with high desiccant properties.

Note, for dry skin, limit washing your face with warm or hot water. This will cause the skin to become drier. You should only wash your face 2 times/day, do not wash your face too much.

Reference: What are the makeup remover’s benefits? Is there a substitute for cleanser?

Step 2: Exfoliate

Exfoliation of dry facial skin is very important. These steps not only remove the horny layers and peeling skin causing roughness on the skin, but also promote the regeneration of new skin cells and better nutrient absorption.

On average, you should only exfoliate 1-2 times/week. Don’t exfoliate too often because this damages new cells, causing the thin skin and irritation.

Step 3: Use toner and lotion

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Use toners, lotions specifically for dry and flaky skin. The product must not contain alcohol because alcohol will lose water in the skin. Toners help to clean deep inside pores and balance the skin’s pH. It also prevents the bacteria’s attack and redness on the skin. Lotion product is used right after the toner. Lotion provides a plenty of moisture to the skin, making it plump and full of vitality.

Step 4: Moisturize the skin

This is one of the most important steps in the dry skin care routine, especially in winter. You need moisture-locking products to prevent the skin care products from evaporating and bouncing back onto the skin’s surface. A protective moisturizer layer helps nutrients to penetrate deeper into the skin.

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The biggest problem with dry skin is the lack of oil and water. Therefore, it is necessary to provide enough moisture for the skin to become smoother. The skin care products with high moisture content help prevent flaking. Besides, you can use an extra sleeping mask to lock the moisture. This is better for the skin at night.

How to take care of dry skin

To prevent premature aging, roughness and uneven skin tone, the dry skin care routine should be noted more carefully than other skin types. Please keep in mind some notes when taking care of dry skin:

Drink enough water: Dry skin is always in a condition of severe dehydration. Therefore, you should drink 2 liters of water per day to replenish the water shortage for the body, especially with the skin. When the body is fully hydrated, it will become healthier and more fresh.

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Supplementing the full range of nutrients: The best and most effective dry skin care way is to take care of the body with daily diets. The full nutrient supplement helps keep skin healthy from the inside. Some nutrients are essential for dry skin, such as: Vitamin E, Omega 3, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin D, Zinc, Probiotic… Besides, it is also important to limit the use of alcohol, beer and other stimulants,which are harmful to your skin.

Use sunscreen: Whenever you go out, please use sunscreen. The negative effects of UVA and UVB rays in the sunlight will cause the skin to become rough. The outer epidermis is dry and darkened. Do not skip the sun protection step, the direct impact of the sun light will fasten the skin aging process.

Mask and use thermal water: Use facial masks for dry skin. The product will supply your skin with the necessary amount of moisture quickly.

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Dry skin care requires meticulousness and patience. At the same time, products intended for dry skin need to be carefully selected to avoid worsening. Understanding that concern, RON INTERNATIONAL has launched a set of effective dry skin care products including:

Above, RON INTERNATIONAL has shared with you the simplest way of daily dry skin care. Choosing the right moisturizing method for dry skin will help you keep your skin soft and youthful.

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